Learning Community Guide

A Learning Community
Changing roles
Community Innovation
General Outcomes
Learning Community Guides
What Xploit offers
Xploitation and beyond




Xploit Compendium - Towards a learning community (PDF)

Learning Community Guide

Some thoughts about Xploit by Holger Bienzle (PDF)

Xploit Results in short:
Hand-outs in all language versions


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


The learningcommunities.eu offers you the results and experience of 3 years Xploit work, funded by the Commission’s Transversal action, and carried out in the UK, Italy, Romania, Hungary and Catalonia Spain – managed by Jan Gejel and Enara Zabaleta from Denmark and quality assured by Holger Bienzle from Austria.

The Xploit project set out to develop pathways of more sustained exploitation of European resources, including European projects, funding programs and other resources.
It soon became clear that the highway to better exploitation is learning communities, offering infrastructures to capture, exploit and implement available quality resources produced at the European arena.

You are invited to take the hard way and produce your own experience. The learningcommunities.eu can be used to explore pathways to learning communities and to support you and your community along your journeys.



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